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when to use funnels

WTF What the fu. . .nnel and when to use funnels

By Audience, Ecommerce, Marketing Budget, Measurement, Prioritization No Comments

When to use funnels

We all seem to be obsessed with funnels talking about them and using them to make big decisions within our business. But when should we use a funnel? They have a role to understand where a business is trending; however they are useless at understanding what needs to be fixed.

At Crank we create funnels to build out a profile of business health, but we don’t just rely on the funnel to provide the answers.

As a for instance let’s take time, we like to look at ‘like for like’ time periods.

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understanding engagement

Understanding Engagement – I won’t marry your website!

By Ecommerce, Engagement No Comments

Why is understanding engagement so hard?

We have more data than ever and you would think defining what good engagement looks like would be easy to understand.

Just because we can get the data easily it doesn’t mean the answer immediately jumps out at us.
There was a time when we had to think about our questions rather than just extracting the data and saying “there you go, see the data shows . . .”

In this post we look at “what is engagement?” and “how do we measure it?”

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3 Reasons why you should measure non-working marketing spend

By Ecommerce, Marketing Budget No Comments
Percolate posted a great infographic which looked at what they called ‘Working’ vs ‘Non-working’ spend in marketing. Working spend is the amount spent on distribution of messaging/content across different channels, the more we spend here the more people we reach. Yeah obvious I know. Non-working spend though, is all the other costs associated with producing the messaging/content and how you measure effectiveness, and is more likely rarely measured or considered.

Reduce non-working marketing spend

So a clear objective should be to increase Working spend and reduce Non-working spend, but I wonder really how many marketers even look at this, procurement will for sure, but their role is often in at the front of hiring an agency or technology and then move on to other departments and how many mid market companies have a procurement person?

Non working expenses make up 40% of the average advertising budget and 20% of the average marketing budget. That’s some gap. And Non working spend is on the increase…which affects Working which results in less effective messaging right?
Do you know what your Non working marketing/advertising budget is?

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Prioritising and to do lists

By Ecommerce, Marketing Budget, Prioritization, to-do-lists No Comments
Prioritising your to-do lists for digital marketing and ecommerce, not just for you, but for your team are a must. I came across this post the other day on Linkedin, where Richard Branson of Virgin was talking about the culture of to-do-lists at Virgin and said

I can confidently state that our culture of notes and thoughtful to-do-lists has made Virgin what it is today.

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Prioritising your Ecommerce tasks

By Ecommerce, Prioritization No Comments
Prioritising your ecommerce tasks, yeah everyone has a method, don’t they? But with growth asked for each and every day, with less budget and more and more Ecommerce initiatives being proposed how can we possibly choose where to start? How can any organisation realistically go about prioritising ecommerce tasks?

Can we really get buy in from our business and ensure we are all focused on the same tasks and prioritising ecommerce tasks that are best for the organisation?

Coming up with solutions has never been the problem but choosing what to do first has been.

prioritising your ecommerce tasks

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Focus on Mobile sales

By Ecommerce, Fashion, Mobile No Comments
The IMRG analysis of sales channels found that with online shopping 66% of visits to retail websites came via mobile devices in the fourth quarter 2015, up from 63% in the previous quarter, yes 63%!

In Criteo’s ‘State of mobile commerce report Q1 2015’ the UK was in the top three countries with strong mCommerce. They also reported that Fashion & Luxury retailers had the highest share of mobile transactions. The majority of the growth is driven by smartphone sales globally, with the iPhone driving much of this growth. The Smartphone conversion funnel is just slightly weaker than desktop conversion by just a few percent, which presents a real opportunity for retailers.

Last April Somo reported that 75% of luxury consumers research online before purchasing, and 73% of those do this on mobile. They also analysed the mobile capabilities of the top 50 high street retailers here are just a few of the things they found:

20% don’t have a transactional mobile site.
30% don’t have an iOS app.
44% do not have a tablet optimised site.
46% don’t support responsive web design.

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12 signs that you need help with your ecommerce

By Ecommerce
  1. You are new to the role and you want to some really quick wins or need to fix the basics
  2. You keep changing things but your conversion rate is static or declining
  3. Your analytics reports just show you trends but don’t tell you what to do and in what order
  4. You think you’re wasting money and time but you don’t know where or why
  5. You have multiple agencies or internal people telling you that what they’re doing will provide the biggest uplift
  6. You’re not big enough to afford the big technology systems you need to identify the gaps
  7. You don’t have enough analyst time so your analytics aren’t useful, they’re just reports you rarely action
  8. You don’t have enough resource to be able to effectively audit what isn’t working
  9. You don’t know what to do first, you have no clear indication of the value of doing one thing before another
  10. You feel like you know things are broken in your ecommerce customer journey but you don’t know where
  11. You’re under pressure to hit targets but don’t know where to effectively focus budget, time and resource
  12. You don’t run a 90 day programme of change so when you get to year end you just start over

There you have it, twelve reasons, one for each month of the year as a reminder.

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